Día De Pachamama: Reciprocity and Regenerative, Organic Agriculture in Coffee

Posted by Ashley Fleming on

Día de Pachamama is an annual celebration of Mother Earth that has been observed  for generations by the indigenous peoples of the Andes. The first day of August kicks off a month-long celebration to honor Mother Earth before the winter to sustain communities and bring fortune and abundance to the following harvest season.

Kintu offering for Dia de Pachamama in Peru  Raul de Aguila from Cocla prepares offering for Dia de Pachamama with Peru Shaman Inca shaman in Peru preforms Kintu offering for Dia de Pachamama 

Kintu offering made on Día de Pachamama for shared prosperity

A key tenant to these celebrations is the idea of reciprocity, also called Anyi in the Quechua language, a principle embracing that what we take must also be given back. Pachamama means Mother Earth in Quechua and given our namesake, Anyi or reciprocity, is a core principle of the way our farmer-owners across Latin America and Africa grow and cultivate their coffee. Long-term health of the farmers’ land and families, also always means a better quality coffee for your cup. 

Pachamama’s owners are all certified organic, growing coffee on small farms full of shade trees, shrubs and native wildlife.  Organic farming means there are no pesticides used that will impact the native plants and animals, instead farmers work with Mother Nature and indigenous farming methods to grow their crops. 

Regenerative coffee farmer in Mexico shovels coffee husk to create natural fertilizer for field


Coffee farmer in Huatusco, Mexico shovels the discarded outer cherry layer of the coffee to utilize as natural fertilizer on coffee fields




Today, indigenous farming techniques are often referred to as regenerative agriculture. Regenerative methods means farming in honor of life, giving back to the Earth. They are not only intended to preserve the land and its biodiversity, but to improve soil health and allow crops to flourish in harmony with the ecosystem around them. Restoring soil biodiversity results in carbon sequestration and improves the water cycle, thereby reversing climate change impacts according to Regeneration International.

Organic coffee farmer in Nicaragua sits next to bee boxes for pollinating coffee crop Farmer holds soil to highlight the biodiversity in organic field 

When coffee operations don’t prioritize biodiversity, soil health and intercropping of shade trees, farm land is depleted and will eventually be lost for coffee cultivation. In contrast, indigenous, regenerative ways of growing coffee create a symbiotic relationship with the land and allow plants and life to thrive. 

When Mother Earth is prioritized we create sustainable, long-lasting systems. Reciprocity and respect for Mother Earth is deeply interwoven in the cultural heritage of our farmer-owners to respect and protect the land that provides for us. Pachamama was founded upon this ideal and will remain committed to such. 

To learn even more about Dia de La Pachamama and its importance to our cooperative read Pachamama Coffee Honors Andean roots for Dia De Pachamama Part 1 and Part 2.

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