
$20.00 Sale Save
Size 10 oz

Crisp, Lime, Honeydew


The blend formerly known as Breakfast, Sunrise is always a bright and uplifting start to the day. Light roast. 

Origins: Guatemala, Peru, Nicaragua
Member Co-ops: Manos, Cocla, Prodecoop
Roast: Light

Shade Grown + Certified Organic


Inspired by those early morning wake up calls and the beauty found when the light touches the land, you can find the cool crisp morning in your cup with the Sunrise blend.

Wake up with Sunrise and start your morning routine the right way, with the highest quality organic and farmer owned coffee.

Certified Organic

Organic farming practices are not only great for the quality of the final product, but this way of farming protects the land, water sources and preserves soil for future crops and generations to continue to work the land.